Disinfecting a school classroom

Children don’t think about things like contaminated surfaces or what constitutes a “high-touch” surface and they shouldn’t have to. Schools should provide the best environment possible to promote growth and education and sometimes that doesn’t just mean the best teachers and books. A clean environment promotes a more productive day.

Our children have enough on their minds, so the added stresses of a global pandemic impacting their education shouldn’t be a factor.  A good cleaning plan can help maintain a clean and healthy environment for students. Here are some tips for keeping your school healthy:

1) Use disinfectants on high-touch surfaces like desks, lockers, doors, stairway handrails

2) Clean air filtration systems regularly

3) Keep floors clean

4) Hire an experienced facilities maintenance partner to augment your current janitorial staff

While the first three tips could be accomplished by your school janitorial staff, one of the chief benefits of contracting with a facilities maintenance partner is their experience designing a customized cleaning and disinfecting plan. Additionally, they may have tools and equipment that a school janitorial staff may not have.

Many of these items can be implemented easily in your school. Contact us today for a consultation about which cleaning tips make sense so we can create an effective plan together. 

If you want to read more about what schools can do to maintain a healthy environment for students, click here