Janitorial Professionals cleaning a classroom

Tips to Maintaining a Healthy School Environment

With the 2021/2022 school year underway, many schools across the country have returned to full, in-person learning. While the hybrid or remote learning models presented unique challenges during the pandemic, this school year is not without its own set of challenges; most notably, how to keep students safe from viral infection. There are some simple steps to take to ensure a level of cleanliness that promotes a healthy facility and helps with maintaining a healthy school environment for students and faculty year-round.

Disinfecting with the Proper Cleaners

First, disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly and thoroughly. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) urges all schools to use disinfectant wipes on everything from the desks to door knobs. These should be done after every class, but no less than daily. It is also important that disinfecting products contain an EPA-registered antimicrobial agent; this will ensure thorough cleanliness without leaving behind any residue or harsh chemicals. Another step to take with disinfectants is ensuring surfaces are dry before reusing them- bacteria can survive up until twenty minutes after disinfection if they remain wet.

Enhance Air Quality

Secondly, as we have learned, proper ventilation and filtration is important while indoors. Therefore, you want to make sure any purifiers you’ve deployed are in areas with high airflow and those areas are cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Ensure that vents in rooms with lots of people coming and going have their filters cleaned or replaced regularly so stale air doesn’t circulate over long periods of time in high-traffic areas such as hallways and classrooms, where students are in close proximity. Speaking of cleanliness of the air, for higher air quality, make sure your ventilation systems are cleaned, the air filters are replaced, and the vents are not obstructed by large objects or debris.

Empower Others to Take Matters into their OWN Hands. Literally.

Additionally, schools and universities can promote a safer and cleaner environment by involving the students. Keeping hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and disinfectant sprays readily available for the students to use. Not only can this lead to more-regular cleaning, it can also make the students feel safer.

Utilizing weekends and school holidays/breaks for a more-thorough cleaning and disinfecting is also an important step in maintaining the health of the facility.

One way to ensure that your facility is properly cleaned is through ATP testing. By testing for ATP  (Adenosine Triphosphate) levels, we can determine the cleanliness of a given area and create an action plan to disinfect that area.

If you’re interested in ATP testing, creating a customized cleaning plan, or contracting MACC to be your school facilities management partner click the button below to learn more.

Safe. Efficient. Clean

Contact Mid-American Commercial Contractors to be your facility solutions partner today.